April 20th Synchronous Schedule

12:00 - 12:50PM EASTERN TIME
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
International Teaching Learning Cooperative
Game Changing Teaching Tips: Best Free Ed Tech Tools to Engage Students
Join Todd Zakrajsek each Wednesday at the start of the conference for Game Changing Teaching Tips. This interactive session will kick start your day of synchronous programming.

2:15 - 3:00PM EASTERN TIME
Marnie Vanden Noven,
Michael Hudson & Mary Clark, Belmont University
The Struggle is REAL!
This session highlights unprecedented issues rising sophomores, entering freshmen will face and strategies for faculty and student care, support, and training to overcome these difficulties.

3:15 - 4:00 PM EASTERN TIME
Keeping Us Engaged: Student Stories (and Evidence) on What Works!
Christine Harrington, New Jersey City University
Hear stories from students attending various colleges across the nation about what professors can do to motivate and engage students.
4:15 - 5:00M EASTERN TIME
How Peer Evaluation Significantly Reduces Grade Disputes
Peer evaluation is misconceived to increase professors’ workload associated with resolving grade disputes. Kritik’s analysis of 140,000 peer-evaluated assignments showed a dispute rate of only 2-5%. Participants will learn how to implement peer assessment online using AI technology and weighted peer grading that enables fair, accurate and quality peer evaluations.
NOTE: This is a sponsored session by Kritik. Although the focus will be on student learning, the sponsor product may be mentioned or included in this session.

1:00 - 2:00PM EASTERN TIME
Josh Eyler, University of Mississippi
The Call is Coming From Inside the House: How Grades Can Undermine Learning and Jeopardize Our Students' Wellbeing
In this talk, Eyler will offer a range of strategies we can try, both in our classrooms and at the institutional level, in order to mitigate the damaging effects of grades.

2:15 - 3:00 PM EASTERN TIME
Spencer Benson, University of Maryland, College Park
Fostering Inclusive Learning Spaces: Managing Inclusive Teaching and Implicit Bias
In this interactive session we will look at the role implicit bias plays in fostering inclusive teaching and learning spaces.

3:15 - 4:00 PM EASTERN TIME
Community and Creativity in Pedagogical Spaces
Juli Charkes, Mitch Fried,
Sabrina Timperman, Mercy College
Building community in the classroom is a key component of successful teaching and learning. Here's how one college successfully achieved this goal.

8:00 - 9:00PM EASTERN TIME
Networking: Gaming
The ITLC Lilly Conferences have always been about building community and moving online has not changed that! Join us for this interactive session to connect with your Lilly colleagues.